- Verkehrspolitik (1) (remove)
- Urban Mobility Services : Opportunities for Car Manufacturers (2014)
- The current burdens of urban mobility range from severe congestion to pollution and loss of public space. While vehicle manufacturers and infrastructure providers still try to “build their way out of congestion” and achieve improvements in effectiveness and efficiency by mere “technology fixes” there is an increasing demand for social innovations like mobility services. Mobility services assist individuals in changing locations and include conventional “driver services”, such as public transport or taxis, “vehicle provision services” such as car rental or car sharing, and “information and assistance services” which comprise all services assisting users in organising their travel. In the past, car manufacturers were largely excluded from this growing market. However, from 2009 on car manufacturers entered the mobility services market with strikingly innovative offers. The thesis uses an interdisciplinary approach by touching on aspects like human behaviour, business planning, environment scanning, and sustainable urban transport planning. It draws on methods from different scientific disciplines, mainly transport research and future research. The EU-15 countries were chosen as the geographical region for this thesis. The timeframe for the analysis are developments from 2010 until 2020. This thesis explores the factors influencing the future demand of mobility services and identifies criteria for customer acceptance. Based on these framework conditions for mobility services the thesis presents an action and research agenda for car manufacturers, including recommendations for selecting appropriate mobility services, suggestions for market entry strategies, and research arenas that need to be initiated resp. intensified.