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- Application of morphological analysis in strategic product development and business model innovation : the example of cruise industry 2030
- The benefits of matrix-based modeling techniques in covering entire solution space within innovation-management practices have been discussed by various researchers. However, these techniques will face methodological obstacles, when the design subject is future-oriented; since (1) the time-scale, in which the solution space is occurred, addresses users that are yet non-existent; and (2) continuous changes in the key factors and their interactions make the technique incapable to conceive all the relationships and deliver synthesizable data. Upon this dynamic and uncertainty, the rational core, upon which the projection is being established, suffers itself from the lack of substantiation. An example of such research cases was selected for the purpose of this dissertation, in which the cruise industry is being explored for novel user experiences in a 2030 perspective. Cruising is a multi-dimensional user experience and business system encompassing many constraints and innovation latitudes represented by multiple disciplines. These constrains and possibilities are applicable to a current practice of UX design, yet not consistent and reliable for a 2030 perspective. This study suggests that a matrix-based cumulative expert survey (a hybrid algorithm of Delphi technique and Morphological Analysis) can support the process of innovation-management in very complex environments. In addition, these two tools can mutually cover each other’s theoretical and functional deficits by illustrating transparent value-based arguments in a modifiable iterative manner.