- Design (3) (remove)
- Design and Unsustainability (Design Exclusion) – Structuring sustainable design approaches for socially responsible practices (Design for equal usability and accessibility) (2023)
- The world exists in a socially unsustainable state. Conditions of social inequity in meeting human needs have exceeded the limit. This state has taken place in the same society and across different populations, and its results have become classic wicked problems. Such conditions ‘are a result of the assumptions of utilitarian philosophy underlying mainstream economics, which is indifferent to the risk of very bad outcomes for some individuals in the present or everyone in some alternative futures’ (Dresner, S.: 2008, p. 4). This state has been inextricably linked to design. Simply, it could be acknowledged that there’s a correlation between the state of design (design paradigm, studies and research guiding design practices) and the state of the world through recognizing the role of design in meeting human needs. The foremost intent of design is the satisfaction of human needs (Margolin, V.: 2002, p. 25). Accordingly, the socially unsustainable state of the world implies that there’s a defect in the past and current design practices; and that the current various forms of design paradigm, studies and research don’t do a good job in guiding the practices to be sustainable. Unfortunately, in the dominant system – production for the market, most professional design practices serve via commerce and commercialism (Chick, A.: 2011, p. 70) whose primary purpose of design for the market is creating designed things for profit (self-interest). Actually, design is shackled to other goals and values rather than its real ones; ‘increasingly design, as a service, acts on instructions rather than taking action in the original sense’ (Fry, T.: 2009, p. 25) or according to its own theory. It lost its free will and its ability to control. Driven by serving the commercial brief, it ‘serves an instrumental mode of making that brings things to being without knowing what the consequences will be’ (ibid.: p. 26). This study has examined the phenomenon ‘the correlation between design and the social unsustainability state of the world’ to discover deficiencies in the past and current design practices behind this state, and accordingly, put forward suitable elaborative approaches for avoiding the recurrence of this phenomenon. The study has proved and acknowledged that unequal design practices or not deeply considering the dynamic diversity of people’s contexts characteristics in design practices (design exclusion) is a verified main cause behind this phenomenon. This has been achieved via collectively evaluating the interaction effectiveness within individual-designed thing relations of access and use through which equitability could be achieved, or via evaluating how equitable accessibility and usability of designed things are across people. The dominant design paradigm driven by serving the commercial brief is most fundamentally formulated as a reduction of variety. It adopts the average case model (the average user or the standard environment) or targets specific people, groups or societies. Inflexible design models lacking a variety of actions to fit the diversity and dynamism of interaction contexts in the system of meeting human needs create troubles in such a system. Treating all contexts as the same leads to excluding to varying degrees many people from benefiting from the mainstream designed things, and consequently, their needs aren’t partially or completely met. Exclusion by design ‘represents the extreme reaction to poor design which leaves many frustrated or facing difficulty, even if not excluded’ (Clarkson, J.: 2007, p. 178). Many individuals, groups and societies have been vulnerable to design exclusion regarding usability and accessibility, and consequently, their needs haven’t been met. Evaluating (describing, analyzing and interpreting) the phenomenon according to the proposed cause has helped add new verified and generalized theoretical knowledge (knowing – what, how and why) to the body of knowledge. It may be of value and may contribute to the growth of scientific knowledge and thus achieve a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of the phenomenon. This knowledge is represented in the accurate anatomy of the individual-designed thing relations of use and access, the deep clarification of the dynamic diversity of people’s contexts, the accurate descripttion of the socially unsustainable results of our current design paradigm (design exclusion), and the confirmation of the proposed cause related to design practices behind the phenomenon. In light of this knowledge, for projecting the phenomenon future and trying to control and adjust it, the study has worked on structuring and establishing new suitable elaborative approaches – the design for equal usability and design for equal accessibility approaches as main parts of the equitable design approach – for supporting the optimal model of sustainable design. Both approaches challenge the conventional design paradigm adopting the average case model or targeting specific people, groups or societies, and work to ensure inclusiveness and practicality. For each approach, diverse paths have been introduced to ensure that all people find what is useable and accessible for participating in daily life activities, achieving tasks and satisfying their human needs. Also, for each approach, some fundamental keys have been structured and established for raising awareness needed to promote its message within the design, business and decision-making communities. This structured and established projective knowledge (knowing – what should be done, and how) may be of value and applicably useful in helping avoid design exclusion, and tackle the pressing and complex problems of a world made socially unsustainable. Also, it may contribute to the growth of scientific knowledge, which in turn guides the new design practices to address the agenda of sustainability regarding social equity in meeting human needs – equity within generations – and pave the way for shaping humans’ future in a socially sustainable fashion. Together, the theoretical and the projective knowledge may provide effective knowledge that may be of value in refining the design theory, and enable us to think about design in new ways and guide the new design practices to produce socially sustainable design. According to the applied procedural method, this study follows the descriptive, causal and projective normative studies. It can be classified according to its nature and underlying motivation (purpose of study) as a theoretical (basic) and projective study. For data collection, it has relied on the indirect observation tool; and for processing the data, it has used the qualitative analysis method inductively, deductively and abductively.
- Zur Kreativität im Design. Die Wirkung von Sozialisation auf die Entfaltung schöpferischer Potenziale.
- Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es herauszufinden, was DesignerInnen bisher getan haben oder was sie tun, um sich zu einer schöpferischen Persönlichkeit mit unterschiedlichsten Facetten bzw. Eigenschaften zu entwickeln, und welche Rolle der Sozialisation zukommt. Um diesem Anliegen auf den Grund zu gehen, gliedert sich die Arbeit in zwei Abschnitte: In einen theoretischen Teil und in eine empirische Untersuchung. Aufgrund der ersichtlichen Komplexität und Mehrdimensionalität des Themas ist es erforderlich, den Begriff der Kreativität zu betrachten. Um dieses Konstrukt mitsamt seinen Ausprägungen zu sondieren, erfolgen zuerst die Zusammenführung einzelner Zitate, dann die Entwicklung einer Definition, die Eruierung der Forschungslage und letztendlich die Generierung einer Matrix, die einen Überblick über die Forschungsaktivitäten seit Beginn der Kreativitätsforschung ermöglicht und bei der Verortung der eigenen Aktivitäten half. Der nächste Themenkomplex fokussiert auf Forscherpersönlichkeiten und ihre Erkenntnisse. Wie im Verlauf der Arbeit zu sehen ist, wird überwiegend ein persönlichkeitsorientierter Ansatz mit dem Fokus auf Persönlichkeitseigenschaften verfolgt. Die beschriebenen Forschungsgegenstände speisen sich jedoch aus der Perspektive der beobachtenden Wissenschaftler mit ihren Methoden, im Rahmen ihrer Möglichkeiten und nicht aus den praktischen Erfahrungen und dem gelebten schöpferischen Wirken. In dieser Arbeit soll nicht im Vordergrund stehen, was Kreative als Persönlichkeit für Dispositionen mitbringen. Es soll herausgefunden werden, was sie bisher getan haben oder was sie tun, um ihre Potenziale in diesem Bereich zu entwickeln. Die psychologischen Ansätze werden um neurowissenschaftliche Positionen erweitert, da bei den bisherigen Ausführungen diese Erkenntnisse kaum berücksichtigt wurden. Die Zusammenführung der unterschiedlichen Aspekte ermöglicht ein erweitertes Verständnis für die Thematik und somit kann diese in einen entsprechenden Ansatz münden. Die Dokumentarische Methode ist eine empirische Herangehensweise, die kreatives Denken und Handeln adäquat abbildet, wiedergibt und interpretierbar macht. Dem folgend wird ein handlungsorientierter Ansatz entwickelt, der sinnlich-praktisches Tun in der Entwicklung berücksichtigt. Dieser bezieht die Sichtweisen und Erfahrungen eines Gestalters ein und soll die bestehenden Erkenntnisse aus den genannten Bereichen keinesfalls revidieren, er ist vielmehr als Ergänzung, als Fusion zu betrachten. Mit den Interviews gelingt es praktisch herauszuarbeiten, was DesignerInnen in ihrer Kindheit, Jugend und Studium getan haben und wie sich die beschriebenen Eigenschaften und Denkweisen in der Entwicklung herausbildeten. Folgende Erkenntnisse lassen sich aus dieser explorativen Studie ableiten: o DesignerInnen ist es ein Bedürfnis, ihre Sinne zu trainieren. o Das tun sie, indem sie eine Vielzahl unterschiedlicher Tätigkeiten ausüben. o Es gibt mindestens drei Tätigkeiten, die sie besonders fesseln. o Sie folgen einem intrinsischen Bedürfnis und sind motiviert. o Sie brauchen keinen speziellen Unterricht oder Mentor, sie arbeiten als Kinder und Jugendliche autodidaktisch. o Sie verfügen über eine ausgeprägte Wahrnehmung, die sich auch in der Fähigkeit zur Imagination zeigt und die von ihnen aktiv für die Arbeit genutzt wird. Sicherlich ist es interessant zu erfahren, welche Dispositionen ein Kreativer mitbringen muss, um kreativ agieren zu können, aber woher diese Eigenschaften kommen, blieb ungeklärt. Mit der Darstellung der psychologischen und neurowissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse gelingt es insgesamt, die Sozialisationssphären von DesignerInnen zu untersuchen und auf diese Weise mit einer soziologischen Dimension zu verknüpfen. Mit den gewonnenen Ergebnissen lassen sich unterschiedliche Möglichkeiten ableiten, denn es wäre generell denkbar, modifizierte Komponenten in didaktische Programme einfließen zu lassen und anders gelagerte kreativitätsfördernde Konzepte zu entwickeln. Diese sollten ein vielschichtiges Training der Sinne berücksichtigen, die Integration der Selbstbestimmung verfolgen und die Fähigkeit, in einer Tätigkeit aufzugehen, fördern.
- Cultural variables and their impact on the furniture design process in the era of globalization (2015)
- It is known that humans are to very large degree products of their environment; their thoughts, desires and needs are shaped by many cultural trends related to their societies, creeds and traditions, which are different according to changes in natural and environmental factors. These cultural variables depend on many issues, which differ from one place to another and from one country to another depending on environmental systems, history, language, religion, beliefs and so on. Accordingly, we can find huge differences in the cultures of people and their needs. Although designers are always keen on maintaining a certain aloofness, a certain freedom of mind, they too are subject to the cultural trends affecting their respective societies, the impacts of which will appear in their work. Designers’ thoughts and works will need to be analyzed in order to appreciate positive or negative effects, with special consideration given to current developments, especially the ongoing shrinking of the world into one “global village” under the globalization era. In many developing countries there is confusion among designers, in addition to the clear gap and the conflict between the meaning of globalization and the concept of “cultural identity” and its applications in the field of creativity. All this needs to be clarified and investigated. Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to study and analyze this tangled relationship, and to make an attempt to apply an integrated vision to connect cultural concepts as variables and investigate their influence on design under the conditions of a comprehensive and widespread globalization.