- Bhutan (1)
- Mobilität (1)
- Nachhaltigkeit (1)
- Sustainable Mobility System and Human wellbeing Design enquiry and case study of Bhutan (2021)
- Applying research through design methodology this study enquires mobility as a complete system, which is cybernetically oriented and contextual. For the mobility system to remain sustainable in future and to enable better quality of life is a systemic challenge. Therefore, the system enquiry has the potential to add substantial knowledge in science by defining systemic problem situation, which is often complex and is invisible to the researcher. Therefore, list of variables that potentially define rough image of mobility as a system is identified, which is negotiable keeping in mind the original cybernetic rather than reducing it to simplified object. The complete mobility system is defined by network of variables influencing effect called as effect system and their associated feedback effects are identified for further research work. Therefore, the variables influencing effects are considered as semantic building block of mobility system, which may be used as multiple research problem identification. 22 different global variables are identified for further analysis to describe mobility as a system and its image projection with the help of Vester Sensitivity Model and scenario logic for future decision support. The scenarios in this study are normative value proposition, which is used to position the contextual mobility system problem situation for policy design and innovative exploitation of the system in addressing sustainable development. To support the normative description of the mobility system, empirical re-conformation is further analysed by conducting the case study referring to historical and current mobility development trend of Bhutan, which is shown as an explorative system and its description in addressing the transition to sustainable system in future horizon. The detail analysis of system cybernetic and case study of Bhutan shows, behaviour correction of user and system re-orientation is necessary condition for sustainable development, which is very complex owing to multiple uncertainties. The current analysis recommends the service-oriented market development from the image projection of mobility system is more appropriate than product-oriented market growth for sustainable mobility system design.