2 search hits
Cultural variables and their impact on the furniture design process in the era of globalization
Ahmed Mohammed M. Abdelrazik
- It is known that humans are to very large degree products of their environment; their thoughts, desires and needs are shaped by many cultural trends related to their societies, creeds and traditions, which are different according to changes in natural and environmental factors.
These cultural variables depend on many issues, which differ from one place to another and from one country to another depending on environmental systems, history, language, religion, beliefs and so on. Accordingly, we can find huge differences in the cultures of people and their needs.
Although designers are always keen on maintaining a certain aloofness, a certain freedom of mind, they too are subject to the cultural trends affecting their respective societies, the impacts of which will appear in their work. Designers’ thoughts and works will need to be analyzed in order to appreciate positive or negative effects, with special consideration given to current developments, especially the ongoing shrinking of the world into one “global village” under the globalization era.
In many developing countries there is confusion among designers, in addition to the clear gap and the conflict between the meaning of globalization and the concept of “cultural identity” and its applications in the field of creativity. All this needs to be clarified and investigated.
Therefore, the main objective of this thesis is to study and analyze this tangled relationship, and to make an attempt to apply an integrated vision to connect cultural concepts as variables and investigate their influence on design under the conditions of a comprehensive and widespread globalization.
Heimatdesign : Designwissenschaftliche Untersuchung möglicher Zukünfte von Heimat und Design
Franziska Holzner
- Im Heimatdesign geht es um Heimat und Design. Ausgehend von einem Heimatbegriff, der Heimat nicht als einen bestimmten Ort versteht, von dem der Mensch herkommt, sondern als einen Zustand, den er herstellen will, stellt sich die Frage, ob und wie Heimat gestaltbar ist. Diese Frage macht Heimat zum Gegenstand von Design, an dessen Ausgangspunkt traditionell das Bestreben steht, ein Problem zu lösen. Design ist nicht allein für die Verschönerung von materiellen Produkten, sondern für das Gestalten von immateriellen Zuständen nutzbar. Der Entwurf auf eine bessere Zukunft hin wohnt dem Menschen als Wesenszug inne. Diesen Entwurf einer Zukunft als Utopie, mag sie in ihrer Realisation als konkrete Utopie (Bloch) auch nur wenig und relativ besser sein, nennen wir Heimat. Dieser Heimatbegriff wird philosophisch-literarisch hergeleitet (Bloch, Lenz, Sartre) und seine Anwendbarkeit in der Designpraxis erprobt.